Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Today is the first day of our blog. I wanted to start by saying...HI! I'm Tina and I have the privilege of working with some very cool people, doing some very cool things. This blog will be about whatever it is we all need to express. It might be about The Pet Stop daily life, it might be about pets, it might be about love and life, it might be about the pets in our life that we love.

Some of the team went to "Shark Valley" this weekend. It was a fantastic little getaway for us. Right there smack dab in the Everglades. We did a 15 mile bike trip and saw alligators literally two feet away. It was great.

I kept thinking that I was in the African Savanna. I would pedal ahead of the group and I would look as far as the eye could see, and everything I saw was nature, and beauty, and Earth as it was way before we were here. I kept imagining myself biking through Africa, minus the probability of a lion attack of course. It's in my backyard and it's the first time that I have been to Shark Valley. I have lived in South Florida for 22 years. Shame on me you say? Shame on me I say!

So this is how the blog will work. I'll write one day, from my perspective, my life, my world. I'm 43, with two awesome kids, 9 and 7. I'm married to a great man, have been for 12 years. It's not always perfect but it's perfectly mine and I love it. After I write Sharon or Michelle will write. I'll let them introduce themselves. They rock, just wait and see.  Then Rebeca might jot a line or two and of course we have to let Anthony have his say. Anthony...in an office surrounded by women. Like we say in the South...Bless his heart.

I am excited about this blog as much as I am about The Pet Stop. I encourage feedback and comments from all of you. I am excited to see where this blog will lead us. Discovery of self, discovery of our journey together here at The Pet Stop. Won't you join us?

We Love Pets & People!

At The Pet Stop, besides striving to provide quality affordable pet services, we believe in giving back to the community. We value all pets and pet lovers and treat them like family. We think that being able to communicate and share our ideas, experiences and stories is important for us to let  everyone out there know that we are not merely an organization, but a family unit that cares for you and your pets.  Hence, The Pet Talk- a space where all of our team members can communicate, share their life's experiences, their pets, ideas and just random nothings with all our customers and everyone who loves pets.